Sunday, December 18, 2016

9 Ways to Maximize Home Office Space

If you conduct any work from home, your home office needs a design that facilitates concentration and productivity. Clutter and poor design can leave you feeling distracted and increase the level of stress you experience on a daily basis.
9 Ways to Maximize Your Home Office Space

* Article Brought to you by Worthington Direct

To design a home office for remote work or the paperwork that comes with daily life, consider two main elements: the furniture you place in the room and how you set up your space. Home office design is about creating a space that works for you. Consider these tips to get the most out of your home office design every day:

1. Pay attention to lighting. Humans work best in atmospheres that have access to natural light. Light affects mood, concentration, and our ability to focus on a task at hand. Situate your home office in a room that receives natural light and supplement that light with some natural, non-fluorescent, lamps or overhead lighting to keep the space warm and inviting. Your space should include enough light to keep you from becoming drowsy, but avoid harsh sources of light that can cause headaches over time.

2. Minimize distractions. While natural light is important, a window that overlooks the street may distract some people from their work. Consider adding gauzy curtains to windows or windowed doors that let light in but separate the space from potential distractions.

Every individual is different. As you discover elements of distraction, reduce them with a design tweak. For example, if your home phone constantly rings but you use a separate line for work, consider lowering the ring volume during certain activities.

3. Understand your workflow. A home office should cater to the way you use the space. If you keep paper files, set up the office in a way that supports easy filing. Some people use a home office for desk work as well as hands-on projects. Choose desks, tables, and cabinets that enable you to move from one task to another seamlessly.
9 Ways to Maximize Your Home Office Space

4. Develop a system for organization. For many, organization is the bane of home office use. Instead of accepting that you can work in organized chaos, install organization solutions that make staying neat easier. Consider:

- Using baskets on open shelving to easily store bulky supplies

- Using file organizers to keep paperwork out of the way before
you file or scan it into the computer

- Boxing up items that you don’t regularly use in the office

5. Invest in a few quality pieces of furniture. At home or the office, your working space should feature ergonomic solutions that protect your physical health. Invest in a standing desk to protect your health or choose a chair and desk combination that enables you to sit comfortably as you work. Depending on the amount of time you spend in a home office, the right desk setup may make a significant difference in how you use the space.