Monday, December 19, 2011

The Only Nice Thing About Winter Is...

Hubs and I were sitting around having our coffee yesterday morning and discussing the fact that summer flew by and winter is right around the corner. Neither one of us are big fans of winter and personally...I hate winter! Anyway...we were trying to think of a few nice things to say about the winter season and we could only come up with a handful of things.

The Only Nice Thing About Winter Is...

1. We don't have to mow the grass every week.
2. Christmas Vacation with family.
3. New Years Eve, great time to hit the party scene.
4. I (Shelly) don't have to shave my legs every day! LOL
5. The neighbors dog doesn't come over & poop in our yard. (their dog hates the cold, ice and snow, so he won't come over to do his business).
6. School & Work Closings due to bad weather. (free paid days off work)
7. No Traffic Jams that last 3 hours. (we live in a tourist area near Hershey PA and winter is our off-season).
8. More Romance Time! Yes folks, it is a proven fact that romance increases during the winter time thanks to couples being stuck indoors).
9. Valentine's Day: Hubby always takes me away for a mini romantic weekend.

So folks, as you can list isn't very long since we are not fans of winter!!! Are you a winter fan? If so, what do you like about winter?

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