Sunday, June 26, 2011

8 Ways You Can Volunteer And Get Involved In Your Community

When it comes to getting involved in your local community and doing some volunteer work, there are many things that you can do. I feel it's important to figure out how much time you can donate and what really interests you, before signing up for the volunteer work.

Here are 8 ideas you might want to consider.

1. The Local Library - Contact your neighborhood public library and offer to come in and read books to children. Our library is always looking for a few good volunteers.

2. Community Clean Up Days - Twice a year we help to organize a neighborhood clean-up day. Call your local center to see about a program in your area.

3. Meals On Wheels Programs - Does your area have a local Meals On Wheels Program? If so, call in and offer your help. There are thousands of seniors who need hot and healthy meals delivered to them on a daily or weekly basis.

4. Habitat For Humanity - This is a well-known national program that you can get involved in. You don't need to be a professional carpenter, painter or plumber. Call them up and get involved.

5. The American Red Cross and Salvation Army - If you have a local chapter in your area, they are always looking for a few good volunteers to do a variety of tasks.

6. Public Parks and Recreations Department - Do you enjoy spending time outdoors? If so, this would be a great group to get involved in. Contact your local agency and see what is available and where they need some help.

7. Cancer Treatment Centers - If you are handy with a sewing machine and enjoy sewing, contact your local cancer treatment centers or physician's offices who treat cancer patients. You could spend a few afternoons sewing up some chemo caps (hats) and donate them to your local centers. Cancer patients really appreciate them.

8. Local Hospitals - The majority of hospitals across the nation have some type of volunteer program. Hospitals need volunteers to help transport patients around the hospital, to bring deliveries of balloons and flowers to the patient's rooms, deliver the newspaper and other helpful...but small tasks.

As a busy mother and wife, I still enjoy finding the time to get out into my community and doing some volunteer work. I feel it's important to give back and to pay it forward.

Shelly Hill has been volunteering in her local community with various organizations for the past 20 years. Shelly recommends that you find something that interests you and to get involved with a local group once a month. You can visit Shelly online at or you can visit Shelly's recipe blog at for some free family-friendly recipes.

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