Saturday, June 18, 2011

Speeding Down The Highway With My New Wheels!

Check out the wee ones new wheels! The wee one got a new car for her second Birthday and she absolutely loves it! That is one hot sport's car that the wee one has and I think it's probably hotter than my car! LOL

The car can be made to "go" by her (there is a gas pedal and brake) but the car can also be made to "go" thanks to the remote control (radio control) that comes with it. She absolutely loves this new car and does pretty good at driving it around herself. It is great for indoor and outdoor use and so far...she hasn't wrecked it yet!
I took these two photos earlier today down at my daughters house when we were down there helping the wee one learn how to drive her new car. Pappy volunteered to teach her to drive when she turns 16 so more power to him since teenagers make me too nervous in the car. Maybe next year for her Birthday we will get her a speed boat!

1 comment:

Tara Burner said...

awwwwwwwwwww too cute, Christa had a barbie jeep that she could 'drive' when she wasa 4 and loved it! and LOL to driving lessons! :)