Wearing her first sun dress along with a pink binkie in her mouth!!!
Our beautiful grand daughter...baby G is now 2.5 weeks old and is growing so quickly. As I am watching her grow, I am reminded how quickly the time flies by when they are babies.
I am so in love with our little grand daughter and she already has me and my husband wrapped around her little finger. This grandchild will want for nothing!
We are proud at how well our daughter is doing with her new baby. She is a great mother! Here is a picture of J holding baby G.

Picture of me (Nanny) giving baby G lots of kisses!

Baby G has a lot of cyber aunties and her one Cyber Auntie named Sweetie D (Darlene) made her this beautiful carebears afghan! Baby G looks so cute with it! Thanks Darlene, we will treasure this gift!

Baby G's first car ride! She sure does love that pink binkie in her mouth!

I will update the blog with some new pics in a few weeks! We are enjoying our new role as grandparents. I just love watching my hubby with Baby G...it brings back memories of him with our daughter J after she was born.