We just spent a week down at the
Jersey Shore....half of our vacation was just me (Shelly) with my hubby (The Bee) and my mum....the other half of our vacation our daughter J and Baby G joined us...so it was a nice family vacation in
North Wildwood NJ.
The weather was terrible for most of our vacation as a lower pressure system storm came up the coast and then parked itself right on top of us for 4.5 days. We suffered with 5" of rain and winds of 40+ mph for 3 days. Talk about bad hair days! I ventured out one evening to just go sit on the beach and look at the angry ocean. Trust me...it was pretty upset and the waves were crashing to the shore.

We always stay at our favorite hotel...its beachfront in North Wildwood NJ. We have been going to the same place for 10 years and stay in the same room. Our room is like a condo...kitchen, dining room, living room, large bedroom and a bathroom. It comfortably sleeps 6 adults. Our dining room wall is all tinted glass and faces the ocean. The hotel has a large heated pool, sundeck that faces south, a game room and a coffee shop.

On our second day at the beach, I got up early (6am) just so I could enjoy this beautiful sunrise, I love watching the sun come up over the Atlantic Ocean.

Can ya believe we are at the beach and all dressed in heavy fall clothing? Oh my, the wind was strong, you definately had a bad hair day and the sand pellets stung your face. I was not too impressed with having to wash my hair 3 times a day to get the sand out as every time I went outside, I got blasted by blowing sand. We decided to hop onto the sea wall and grab a quick family pic in the high winds!

Another day, my mom and I ventured out into the light rain and took a walk down the beach. We decided to be silly and try out the lifeguard's chair :) Okay...where is the hunky lifeguard you might ask? LOL We don't know!

In a few days I will post some more pictures of our vacation. Even though the weather was terrible, we did have a great time.