I had the nurses get me out of bed and plop me in a chair by the window so I could watch them. The male Mallard Ducks are the colorful ones and the female Mallard Ducks are the brown and ivory ones. Dang males are super colorful and cute...more so than the females. For about 2 hours I watched 5 of these Mallard Ducks play and swim on the roof (in the puddles)! Wow...what a view that was from my hospital room and I am so glad that I was in that particular room so that I could see them!
The following day we got more rain and the puddles were becoming mini ponds on the roof so even more Mallard Ducks showed up the following day for more fun! What was really cool was that I got to see how one male Mallard Duck handled 7 females on that second day...seems like all 7 of them were in love with him and he paid attention to each of them. As I sat there on day #2 watching them, Mr. Mallard Duck saw me and came right up to my hospital window to talk to me. Apparently he isn't afraid of humans but those female Mallard Ducks didn't come near my window at all. This photo shows him almost at my window but trust me, he came right up to (about 3" away to be exact) so that he could check me out!
Being in the hospital for 22 days was miserable but at least I had this family of Mallard Ducks to keep me and my mind occupied for several days. Glad my hubby brought my digital camera in so I could snap a few photos of them.