Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Healthy Vitamin H: A Biotin Briefing for Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails

What is biotin and why do I need it?
Biotin, commonly referred to as Vitamin H or Vitamin B-7, is a complex B vitamin that assists your body in converting food to fuel by helping to break down protein and fat. Apart from its crucial role in energy consumption, biotin is vital for healthy hair, skin, and nails as well as the nervous system and liver. Biotin is a key nutrient for a healthy pregnancy and is found in many prenatal vitamins to support embryonic growth.

Biotin also plays in important role in:

Blood sugar regulation, 
Maintaining healthy LDL cholesterol, and
Adrenal function

Your hair, skin, and nails are made of a very tough protein called keratin, which is a type of protein built from the cell reaction between enzymes and biotin.  Beauty products containing biotin are becoming increasingly popular to nurture thinning hair, promote healthy skin, and maintain strong nails. Biotin may also be effective in repairing scarring and damage caused by acne.

How can I recognize a biotin deficiency?
While naturally occurring within your body, biotin is water-soluble, meaning the body is unable to store it.  Bacteria found in your intestine produces biotin, but there is little evidence about how much of that biotin your body can absorb.  There is some evidence that a long-term use of antibiotics or eating raw egg whites can cause biotin deficiency.

Biotin deficiency is rare, but presents itself in the form of dry skin, brittle hair and nails, hair loss, issues within the nervous system, fatigue, and digestion problems.

How can I get more biotin?
A healthy diet can supply a daily serving of biotin. Foods like almonds, mushrooms, eggs, salmon, sweet potatoes, and spinach all contain biotin in different measures. However, many people struggle to consume the recommended amount every day.  This is where falling back on a supplement or multivitamin containing biotin and other antioxidants becomes efficient and convenient.

I really like Vitafusion Gorgeous Hair, Skin, & Nails- it¹s a delicious gummy multivitamin that contains 5000 mcg Biotin and powerful antioxidants Vitamin C & E essential for the body¹s production of collagen (a protein that works hand-in-hand with biotin).  It also contains zinc, a mineral that plays a crucial role in healthy skin cell division and reproduction, and folic acid which works to generate new cells and tissues in the body, Taking a supplement daily for at least 3 months is recommended to have an effective response in visibly healthier hair, skin, and nails. 

Dr. Jonny Bowden, also known as The Nutrition Myth Buster, is a nationally known expert on weight loss and health, and has been seen on Dr. Oz, the Doctors, and every major television network. He is the best-selling author of 15 books, including his latest book, The 150 Healthiest Foods on EarthLiving Low Carb, The Great Cholesterol Myth, and Smart Fat: Eat More Fat Lose More Weight Get Healthy Now!

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