Anyway, I did make it out of the hospital in time for the Christmas Holiday although, I was in alot of pain because I had Surgery 3 days before Christmas.
One of the items I wanted from my Santa Claus this year was a $700 Singer Sewing & Embroidery Machine and my Santa was good to me! woohoo! I have been reading my manual so I can learn to do machine embroidery. I do alot of hand cross stitching and embroidery but have never tried machine embroidery so hopefully next month, I can play with my new toy!
I am also happy to report that in October 2008 our daughter Jenelle informed us that she was pregnant with our first grandchild and is due May 25th, 2009. Since that time she has had 2 ultrasounds and we now know that its a girl! She will be naming her Gianna Nadine once she arrives.
I will be updating my blog again now that I am starting to feel a little better. Please check out all 4 of my blogs!
¬ Shelly ¬
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