Sunday, December 26, 2010
Grand-Toddler's Second Christmas! What A Great Day!
Friday, December 24, 2010
~* Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays *~

I am looking forward to spending the day with my family since I am hosting Christmas Dinner and will be spending a few hours with my 25 yr. old daughter and my adorable 19 month old grand daughter!
Have a great holiday everyone!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
H.S. Trask Men's Shoes Giveaway!

A few weeks ago I entered a giveaway over on the Trying 2 Stay Calm blog for a free pair of men's H.S. Trask Shoes and I won! woot! I was really happy to win the shoes shown above for my hubby who desperately needed a nice pair of dress shoes. The shoes arrived today and they are just beautiful! He wore them this afternoon to his work meeting and said they are the most comfortable shoes that he has had in a very long time!
These H.S. Trask Shoes retail for $140.00 but let me tell you, he said they are worth every dime!!! They are stylish, well made and super comfortable! Hubby is very happy about me winning them for him!
I would love to see more blog sites get nice men's items for all of us to win as our hubby's feel neglected at times! LOL
Won a pair of Crocs Mary Janes! I love Crocs!

My brand new pair of Crocs arrived a few days ago and let me tell you...this pair of Crocs is just as fabulous as all of the other pairs I own! yeah! I love the suede texture to these maryjanes and they are super comfortable. So far I have worn them 3 times and I must say...these Crocs Rock!!! yeah!!!!
I hope I get a few new pairs for Christmas can never have too many pairs of Crocs!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Wins...Wins...and More Fabulous Giveaway Wins!
I have been wining a lot lately from various blog giveaways and I hope my winning streak continues. I enter a lot of giveaways so I am happy to continues to pay off!
In this photo I won a HUGE chocolate gift package from Ghirardelli that contained 4 peppermint bark bars, 3 bags of peppermint bark pieces and a beautiful gift tin full of various Ghirardelli flavors! I am saving all of the peppermint bark for our New Years Eve Party but we are eating the yummies from the gift tin now.
Also in the photo is a Star Wars T-shirt that I won for my hubby and a package of Christmas Classics DVDs for our grand daughter...she is loving watching Frosty and Rudolph! I also received a T-Shirt for myself (not pictured) that says SWEET on the front of it from Diva Tees and I received 4 coupons for 4 free cans of Swansons using that to make chicken salad sandwiches!
Over all...nice haul for one week :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
It's The Last Weekend Before Christmas and All Through The House...

I have spent countless hours wrapping each one of her presents with the hope that she'll soon be here! yeah! Actually...our daughter and grand daughter will be spending all day with us on Christmas and I made sure that they are both getting spoiled this holiday with a lot of gifts to open. I have my camera & video camera charging and I am ready for the big day!
I am just about done with my shopping except for hubby picking up 2 small things that I need tomorrow and then a grocery store run on Tuesday...other than that...done! yeah!!!!
I hope everyone has a very Happy Holiday!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
First Dusting Of Snow In Central Pennsylvania!
I sure hope that this winter season that we don't get hit with any blizzards. Last winter we got hit with 2 nasty blizzards that were only 3 days a part. At one point and time I had over 30+ inches of snow in my backyard. Definitely wasn't fun!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Please Meet Jeeter & A-Rod - My 2 Turtles!
When we first got these turtles they were about the size of a half dollar...they are now the size of apples and growing like wild fire! Hubby transfered them a few weeks ago into their new 50 gallon tank and they seem to like all of the space they now have. These boys are super spoiled and very human friendly! Anyway...please meet my 2 pet turtles...Jeeter & A-rod :)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wordless Wednesday ~ Almost!
The photo above was taken on Thanksgiving and Gia was having a grand old time playing with Nanny and Pappy after our Turkey dinner.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
More Giveaway Wins Arrived!!!

Next...I won a scrapbooking kit sponsored by Pillsbury and in that kit was a 8x8 scrapbook, sheets of paper, stickers, embellishments, etc. plus a coupon for a free pkg. of Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls...yummy!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Another Fabulous Blog Giveaway Win!
Last month I entered a giveaway over on the Moms Best Bets giveaway blog for the Pop On Pals Play Set and Accessories. Well...last night this big box arrived to my home and lil Gia was here. Pappy opened the box and inside was the play set and the accessories to go along with it. Lil Gia loves her new Pop On Pals Play Toys that Nanny won for her on a blog. Matter of fact, she refused to go home last night unless we left her take them with, my little grand daughter is a very happy little girl right now with her new play toys!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Rain...Rain...Rain...Please Go Away!!!

I will be so glad when the year 2010 is finally over with. This past year in Pennsylvania has been so dang rainy and I am not a fan of Thunderstorms nor rain. We had so much rain during the summertime that my garden didn't do as well as it usually does due to the backyard constantly flooding. Then we had to repair several rainspouts from storm damage which also left us with damaged trees, patio furniture and the storms destroyed numerous bird houses and garden ornaments.
I understand we need rain to survive here on planet earth but I would like a nice balance between sunshine and the rain and this year...we just didn't get that! So for now...I would love for the rain to just stop and to come back after the first of the new year! LOL
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