Sunday, December 26, 2010
Grand-Toddler's Second Christmas! What A Great Day!
Friday, December 24, 2010
~* Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays *~

I am looking forward to spending the day with my family since I am hosting Christmas Dinner and will be spending a few hours with my 25 yr. old daughter and my adorable 19 month old grand daughter!
Have a great holiday everyone!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
H.S. Trask Men's Shoes Giveaway!

Won a pair of Crocs Mary Janes! I love Crocs!

My brand new pair of Crocs arrived a few days ago and let me tell you...this pair of Crocs is just as fabulous as all of the other pairs I own! yeah! I love the suede texture to these maryjanes and they are super comfortable. So far I have worn them 3 times and I must say...these Crocs Rock!!! yeah!!!!
I hope I get a few new pairs for Christmas can never have too many pairs of Crocs!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Wins...Wins...and More Fabulous Giveaway Wins!
Friday, December 17, 2010
It's The Last Weekend Before Christmas and All Through The House...

I have spent countless hours wrapping each one of her presents with the hope that she'll soon be here! yeah! Actually...our daughter and grand daughter will be spending all day with us on Christmas and I made sure that they are both getting spoiled this holiday with a lot of gifts to open. I have my camera & video camera charging and I am ready for the big day!
I am just about done with my shopping except for hubby picking up 2 small things that I need tomorrow and then a grocery store run on Tuesday...other than that...done! yeah!!!!
I hope everyone has a very Happy Holiday!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
First Dusting Of Snow In Central Pennsylvania!
I sure hope that this winter season that we don't get hit with any blizzards. Last winter we got hit with 2 nasty blizzards that were only 3 days a part. At one point and time I had over 30+ inches of snow in my backyard. Definitely wasn't fun!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Please Meet Jeeter & A-Rod - My 2 Turtles!
When we first got these turtles they were about the size of a half dollar...they are now the size of apples and growing like wild fire! Hubby transfered them a few weeks ago into their new 50 gallon tank and they seem to like all of the space they now have. These boys are super spoiled and very human friendly! Anyway...please meet my 2 pet turtles...Jeeter & A-rod :)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wordless Wednesday ~ Almost!
The photo above was taken on Thanksgiving and Gia was having a grand old time playing with Nanny and Pappy after our Turkey dinner.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
More Giveaway Wins Arrived!!!

Next...I won a scrapbooking kit sponsored by Pillsbury and in that kit was a 8x8 scrapbook, sheets of paper, stickers, embellishments, etc. plus a coupon for a free pkg. of Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls...yummy!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Another Fabulous Blog Giveaway Win!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Rain...Rain...Rain...Please Go Away!!!

I will be so glad when the year 2010 is finally over with. This past year in Pennsylvania has been so dang rainy and I am not a fan of Thunderstorms nor rain. We had so much rain during the summertime that my garden didn't do as well as it usually does due to the backyard constantly flooding. Then we had to repair several rainspouts from storm damage which also left us with damaged trees, patio furniture and the storms destroyed numerous bird houses and garden ornaments.
I understand we need rain to survive here on planet earth but I would like a nice balance between sunshine and the rain and this year...we just didn't get that! So for now...I would love for the rain to just stop and to come back after the first of the new year! LOL
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wordless Wednesday - Nanny & Me! it's almost wordless! LOL On Thanksgiving I wasn't feeling well so my daughter decided she would make Thanksgiving dinner this year. So...I threw on some clothes and headed down to her house to enjoy some great tasting food. (yes folks...I went out of the house without makeup on!) Anyway....after dinner I had a play date with my beautiful little grand daughter who is the apple of my eye! I think she looks a lot like me!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Getting Dark Way Too Early For Me!!!
When it gets dark out so earlier...I just don't have any energy to get through my evening. I wish I lived in a place that doesn't get so affected by the time changes & season changes like Pennsylvania does.
I am really looking forward to fall & winter getting over that spring and summer will get here sooner.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
~* Happy Thanksgiving *~

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Wordless Wednesday - Fall Is Halfway Over!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Got Some More Giveaway Wins!!!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Wordless Wednesday!

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Bee Hive Has Been Destroyed!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
My Twinn Doll Online Giveaways!!!

My Twinn Doll can custom make a doll for your little girl...they can custom make the hair color, hair length, hair style, clothing, skin color, eye color and so much more! Every little girl should have their very own My Twinn Doll!
Here is where you can find My Twinn Doll online giveaways that are going on right now.
Sugar Pop Ribbons Blog - Ends on November 23, 2010
At The Fence Blog - Ends November 15th, 2010
Born 2 Impress Blog - Ends December 17th, 2010
Familylicious Blog - Ends December 12th, 2010
Have fun entering! I hope I can win one for Lil Gia!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Wordless Wednesdays!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Happy Halloween!

I love to see the little ones all dressed up in their costumes...except I really dislike the really gory or sexy costumes that parents let their children wear. I like the cutesie costumes!
Anyway...Happy Halloween everyone!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Hospital Physical Therapy Dogs!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Wordless Wednesday - Enjoying Swings For The First Time!
Friday, October 15, 2010
8 Fun Halloween Activities You Can Enjoy With Your Family This Fall
Here are a few indoor and outdoor things that you can enjoy doing this fall.
1. Family Pumpkin Carving Contest - Purchase a few pumpkins and hold a family pumpkin carving contest. You can have prizes for the ugliest, scariest and prettiest pumpkins.
2. Family Hay Ride - Find a local farm or park that offers fall hay rides. If this is during the afternoon hours, consider having a family picnic afterwards.
3. Candy and Carmel Apples - Most children love to cook and be in the kitchen, plan an afternoon together and make some candy coated or caramel apples.
4. Yard Decorating - Allow the children to help you decorate your back and front yards for the fall season.
5. Haunted House - Look for a haunted house to visit in your local area if you have older aged children.
6. Make A Scarecrow - You can find a lot of free ideas and patterns online to create your own scarecrow. We like to make ours pint-sized so we have our children donate old pieces of clothing.
7. A Costume Party - If you don't know anyone who is hosting a Halloween costume party, consider planning and hosting one yourself. Children love to get dressed up in their costumes!
8. Nature Walk - Take a family walk to collect nature items to decorate your home and yard with. We like to take walks through local state parks as it's a great time of the year to get outdoors and view the fall foliage.
The most important thing to remember is to plan out your activities and enjoy some quality time with your family this fall season.
Shelly Hill is a mother and grandmother living in South Central Pennsylvania. Shelly and her husband enjoy spending time with their family during the fall season. You can visit Shelly online at
Weekend Means Family Time!
I just love Fridays....especially because Friday evenings are the start of our weekends! I really look forward to the weekends as I consider it family bonding time. I enjoy having weekend play dates with our grandchild, spending some time with our adult daughter and I love to pop a big bowl of popcorn and sit down to snuggle with my hubby and watch a good movie!'s Friday evening and time to relax...we have a stack of DVD's to watch and first up is The Prince of Persia!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
What To Look For When Considering An Assisted Living Facility
What is Assisted Living Care for Seniors?
Assisted living is housing that is directed towards seniors who can no longer live on their own, but don't require acute care or skilled nursing. These facilities provide the following types of services: secure housing, nutritious meals, assistance with medications, occupational activities and transportation to medical appointments. They usually have on-site 24 hour staff to assist with the needs of their residents.
When considering an Assisted Living Facility, here are a few things to consider.
1. Housing - Will the resident need a small efficiency or full-size apartment? Consider the floor plan when making a decision to make sure it meets all the needs of the resident/patient.
2. Cost - The majority of facilities will only accept private-pay, meaning that they rarely accept government or state money. Can you or your family member afford this type of facility?
3. References - Ask for references from current residents and their families.
4. State Certification - Inquire with the state licensing agencies to see if the facility has any complaints or code violations.
5. Availability - Is there a waiting list? If so, how long until a unit becomes available?
6. Transportation - Does the facility provide transportation to the resident for medical and dental appointments?
7. Cleanliness - Is the facility and grounds surrounding the facility clean? Who does the cleaning for the residents? Who takes care of the grounds surrounding the facility?
8. Occupational Programs - Do they provide extra curricular activities and programs that the residents can participate in? If so, are they included in the cost or are they additional?
9. Staffing - What kind of medical staffing do they have? Is this staff available 24 hours a day?
We have been interviewing and touring facilities for the past few months. I hope these tips will help you when considering if an Assisted Living Facility is right for you or your family member.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
4 Trusted Home Treatments For Pain Relief From Minor Burns
I think at one time or another, we have all experienced a minor burn or two in our lives. You know how bad the pain is...even with a little first degree burn, it can be quite awful.
When it comes to treating your burn, you first have to identify the severity of it. A first or second degree burn can usually be treated safely at home. However, a third degree burn will need to be treated by emergency personnel.
Burns are classified by depth and severity. Here is a quick rule of thumb...if in doubt, contact a medical professional.
First Degree Burns - This type of minor burn only involves the first layer of skin. You will usually see redness, swelling and have minor pain.
Second Degree Burns - This type of burn is a little more serious but can still be treated at home. You will usually see redness, swelling, blistering, peeling and will have moderate pain.
Third Degree Burns - This type of burn is a lot more serious and you should seek medical attention immediately. You will see redness, swelling, blistering, peeling, charring and a times...underlying blood vessels. These types of burns can cause severe pain and/or numbing due to the nerves being damaged.
For immediate pain relief of first and second degree burns, you can try some of the following home remedies.
1. Cold Milk - You can soak a burn in a bowl of cold milk for 15 minutes to help relieve the pain. After soaking, rinse the area with cool water. If the stinging continues, try a cold milk compress...changing the compress every 20 to 30 minutes as needed.
2. Aloe Vera - You can break open a piece from a natural aloe plant and apply the 'gel-like' substance directly onto your burn to help promote healing.
3. Diluted Vinegar Compresses - I must admit...I have never tried this tip but my grandmother used to swear by it. Take an old cotton wash cloth and soak it in a solution of 80% cool water to 20% white vinegar. Apply this compress to your burn for 20 minutes. After the pain has subsided, rinse the affected area and bandage it to keep it clean.
4. Preparation H Hemorrhoid Cream - This cream has a yeast derivative that helps to promote healing. Just dab a little bit onto the affected area and apply a clean bandage.
After the initial treatment of your burn, you will still need to follow up with some additional care to help prevent infection and/or scarring.
Here are a few things to try (After 24 hours):
1. Wash the area with a mild soap and cool water at least once a day. Follow up with a dry dressing to keep the area clean.
2. Apply Vitamin E cream directly to the affected area to help reduce scarring.
3. If you haven't applied Aloe Vera yet, now is a good time to do so. Aloe is a natural pain reliever with anti-inflammatory properties. You can apply aloe several times a day and then cover with a clean and dry dressing.
Post Burn Care: If you are worried about scarring and/or infection you can try over the counter (OTC) ointments such as Neosporin or Bacitracin. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for correct dosages.
If you are ever in doubt at which type of burn you have or how to treat it, it is always best to contact a medical professional or visit your nearest emergency clinic/hospital.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Do-It-Yourself Homemade Herbal Milk Baths
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Image Courtesy of |
If you have been neglecting yourself for the sake of everyone else in your life, I would like to suggest that you set aside 30 minutes of "me' time for yourself every evening. During this 'me' time, you can take a nice bath and read a good book or magazine.
I would like to share a few homemade herbal milk bath recipes with you that only take a few minutes to prepare and are inexpensive to make.
Supplies you will need:
Measuring Cups and Measuring Spoons
Airtight Container
Measuring Scoop (like an old laundry detergent or coffee scoop)
Ingredients listed for each recipe
Oatmeal Milk Bath
1 cup cornstarch
2 cups powdered milk
1/2 cup oatmeal
In a blender container, finely grind up the oatmeal. Add in the dry milk powder and cornstarch. Mix in blender until a fine powder forms. Pour contents into an airtight container. You can use 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup in your bath water.
Tip: This soak is soothing to dry itchy skin.
Lavender Milk Bath1 cup cornstarch
2 cups powdered milk
3 teaspoons dried lavender
Combine cornstarch and powdered milk in a blender container. Blend until a fine powder forms. Add in the dried lavender and stir. Pour contents into an airtight container. Add 1/2 cup of mixture to your warm bath water.
Tip: This soak is great for dry skin. Will also help to you relax after a stressful day.
Honey Milk Bath
1 cup powdered milk
1 cup baking soda
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon cream of tarter
1 teaspoon honey
Place first 4 ingredients into a blender and blend. Add in 1 teaspoon of honey, stir until combined. Store contents in an airtight container. Refrigerate until ready to use. Add 1/2 cup of mixture to your warm bath water.
Tip: This soak is soothing to dry itchy skin.
Pumpkin Oatmeal Milk Bath
1 cup powdered milk
1/2 cup baking soda
1/2 cup oatmeal
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon cream of tarter
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
Blend all ingredients in a blender container until it is of fine powder consistency. Pour contents into an airtight container. Add 1/2 cup of mixture to your warm bath water.
Tip: This is a really nice soak that you can enjoy during the fall and winter months.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Vacations Down To The Jersey Shore

Ever since I was a little family always got together during the summer months and took vacations together down to the Jersey Shore...most of the time it was to Ocean City NJ. There were times that we went Ocean City MD or to other beaches but we always came back to Ocean City NJ.
My grandparents, parents and now myself as a parent to this day continue the tradition and take yearly trips down to the beach. The only thing that has changed is that my hubby and I started our own family tradition about 12 years ago and we go to North Wildwood NJ...which is our favorite Jersey Shore destination.
North Wildwood has their own lighthouse aka Hereford Inlet Lighthouse, the Cape May Zoo is about 10 minutes away. Ocean City NJ is about a 20 minute drive and Atlantic City is about a 35-40 minute drive. We also love taking a day trip down to Cape May which is only a 10 minute drive. As you can see...Northwild is in the middle of it all!
We always stay at one of our two favorite places...the Trylon or the Aloha because they are both ocean front and located in a great location (away from the main action) so it's a lot more peaceful during in-season.
I am looking forward to hitting the Wildwood Beach again just a few short weeks! A vacation well needed for me and my family.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Importance of Infant CPR Training For New Parents
Your first line of defense when an emergency strikes is drawing on your abilities to save the life of your child. You need to be prepared. One way you can do this is by getting trained in Infant and Child CPR and First Aid. (CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
If you are adequately trained in life-saving techniques, you can avoid a tragedy. These training courses can help you to:
1. Recognize an Emergency- New mothers are often unsure if a behavior or symptom their child is exhibiting is normal or abnormal. Taking a class can help you to recognize these types of problems before it's too late to do something about it.
2. Obtaining Help and Providing Care- If there is an emergency, you will know the steps that you need to follow to get help. Once you summon help, you will know what to do to administer care until emergency personnel arrive.
Where can you find CPR training classes? You can call your local hospitals, the American Red Cross, community centers and local municipality offices. You can ask your personal physician for recommendations.
With technology these days, you can also obtain your certification via online classes. If you decide to take the class online, make sure it's reputable and Nationally accredited.
What are the costs? The costs to receive training are varied. I have seen free programs as well as programs that cost up to $100.00 so it's best to shop around for one that meets your budget.
What will you learn? You will learn how to recognize the signs of a true emergency, how to summon help, the basics of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and how to save your child if he/she is choking. These classes only take a few hours of your time.
When it comes to an emergency, every minute counts. If you take the CPR training courses, you will be able to handle an emergency quickly and appropriately and perhaps save the life of your own child.
This article was written by Shelly Hill, copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved.
Rain...Rain....Rain.... Please Go Away!!!

For 4 days now we have been pretty much cooped up in our home...why you might ask? Rain! The first 2 days of this we had heavy rain which came in through my one bedroom window and flooded our backyard (which is a mess now). Now for the last 2 days it has been on & off again light rain.
I don't mind rain when a storm comes in & blows out within a few hours...however, I really dislike it when it rains for several days on end...especially in the summertime when I would rather be outside enjoying the sunshine.
So my Pet Peeve for today is all about rain!!! I want it to stop, move on and go away!
Happy Sunday to all of my friends!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Wordless Wednesday Featuring Grandbaby!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Zuvo Water Filtration System Review and Giveaway

We just purchased a 65 year old home a few months ago that we are renting out to a tennant for a few years....then we will move into it later on. During this time my hubby has been remodeling it and upgrading it to make it more mordern. Anyway, my hubby had the water tested over at the house and it came back bad. Since that time, we have been using expensive bottled water which we have to lug in and out of the house.
Over on the Moms Wear Your Tees Blog...they are having a Giveaway for a Zuvo Water Filtration System...boy...I would love to win that thing! You can head on over to the MWYT and take a chance in the giveaway to see if you can win one!
Good Luck!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wordless Wednesday - Vacation Time

Almost Wordless Wednesday! I am thinking about our upcoming vacation the end of August where I can take 2 full weeks off of work and hopefully a nice computer break too! Part of our vacation will be at the beach for a week and our DD and GD are coming along and the other part will be a staycation working on the house we purchased.
Bring on the sun, surf and sand!
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Heat in PA is just awful!
It has been years since we have had a blazing hot summer like the one we are currently having this year. The past month has been hot and humid...with most days being in the upper 90's and we have even had a few days in a row that were in the 100's. The humidity has been just as nasty!
This morning hubby and I got up at 6am, showered and headed out for a hike. We lasted a big 1 hour LOL as it was just too hot & humid even at 8am in the morning. ugh!
I am looking forward to early Fall when it will be cooler so we can get outside again and enjoy some outdoor activities.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Wordless Wednesdays - Lil Gia
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Wordless Wednesday - Little G Playing at Nanny's House!
Friday, July 2, 2010
I've Been On A Winning Streak!

I haven't had time in several months to update my personal blog with all of the wins that I have been receiving. As most of you know, I love entering giveaways online and I usually win a few things every week.
However, this week has been exceptional! For the past 7 days I have won several giveaways such as: Energizer Batteries Prize Pack, Wise Girl Designs Necklace, Gourmet Gift Basket, Personalized Mens Grilling Apron, Coupons for FREE Gorton's Seafood Products, $50 GC to Art Plates, 2 silver stackable rings, a nice ladies leather wallet, Thomas the Tank Engine DVDS, Bracelet & Earring set from Tara's Inspirational Jewelry, some lingerie from Smart & Sexy and a few other things!
Yeah me! I love entering giveaways because I get a lot of nice items for me and my family and some items I use for gifts which helps us to save money!
wootwoot! This has been a great winning week!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Happy Birthday To Me!
Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday dear Shelly...Happy Birthday to me! LOL Seriously Birthday was yesterday and my hubby got me my favorite ice cream cake from Stone Cold Creamery. LOVE IT! I even have left-overs for the rest of the week!
Had a great Birthday...just hate turning a year older each year :(
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Wordless Wednesdays - My Grandbaby Lil G
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day to my hubby The Bee!

I would like to say Happy Father's Day to my hubby who I have lovingly called The Bee for numerous years. A lot of people ask me what does his knickname mean. Well, Bee is short for honey bee :)
25 years ago I gave birth to our daughter and the very next day was Father's Day! So if you ask my hubby what his favorite Father's Day gift was, he will definately tell you...his daughter J. Now here we are 25 years later and my wonderful hubby is a grandfather to our precious 13 month old grand-daughter Lil G.
Anyway...Happy Father's Day to all of the wonderful dads out there!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Happy Birthday To My Daughter!!!

Wow...I can't believe one and only child, my daughter J...officially turned 25 years old today. So let me say...Happy Birthday J!!!
We spent the afternoon with our daughter and grand-daughter Lil G eating a late lunch and then a big fat ice cream cake! I enjoyed having them here for a visit and I am very impressed with my daughter's mothering skills...she is a fantastic mom to Lil G and you can tell that Little G is a total mommy's girl!
Tomorrow is Father's Day so we will all be getting together again and having another small party for my hubby! wootwoot!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wordless Wednesday - Star Wars Princess Shelly and Sam Skywalker
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Little Tikes Cozy Coupe!

I am holding the crazy coupe until Christmas and then I will give it to Lil G (our grand daughter) and I know she will just love it! I won the Little Tikes Crazy Coupe from Night Owl Mama Product Review & Giveaway blog ---> HERE Stop on over and enter a few giveaways.
I also won way too many things to count during my MIA time but here is a short version:
Several Sterling Silver Necklaces
Genuine Cultured Pearl Stud Earrings
2 Games for kids
Several pieces of clothing and shoes for Lil G
Numerous Bath & Body Products
2 Tshirts for myself
Several coupons for free food (Shake N Bake, Breyers Yogurt, Aloette Cheese, etc)
Craft kit to make homemade Garden Stones
Like I said, the above is the short list!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Wordless Wednesday - My Faith
okay...not really wordless but wanted to share. I was recently in the hospital for quite some time and I must admit, our faith is what gets me and my family through difficult times.
I found great comfort when I would sit in front of this statue & scene in our hospital lobby at Holy Spirit Hospital. I love to sit there and pray. I find it peaceful.